Stories by Superboy19

When Issei dies he never wakes up, instead another takes his place, the original and most powerful Devil, finally free from his curse of living human life after human life, a curse placed by his father. All he wants to do is defeat the ultimate evil, Trihexa, and reclaim what was his long ago, but he must recover his power and influence to do it.
The abuse of his family forced him to try and suppress his magic, an act of disastrous results. Now off to Hogwarts Harry must navigate the magical world, making friends, allies, enemies and possibly fighting a Dark Lord while he's at it - I know the summary sucks but I will improve it later - HarryxHarem, Darker Harry possible bashing.
Nathan and Harry Potter, brothers and last surviving members of the Potter family, but both vastly different and seeking different things from life, but both bound to the same destiny, both destined to face the Dark Lord that claimed the life of their parents.

Different Path by Superboy19 Stale Result (Last seen: )

In this story Naruto is different, having met and trained with Shisui as well as possessing the Sharingan. Even his personality is different, meaning that events happen differently to the anime. See how that effects the story - I have dropped this because I am really not in the mood to do anything to do with Naruto, I might go back to it but don't hold your breath.