Stories by Tomas9777

Slytherin advice by Tomas9777 Stale Result (Last seen: )

What would happen when a Slytherin Harry is thrown into the Triwizard Tournament against his will? How will he deal with the dangers to his life, and his quest to be able to defeat Voldemort, all while he tries to deal with the troubles of growing up? And what will he do about the split in his heart for the two women he fancies? SlytherinHarry - PowerfulHarry - GreyHarry

Dumbledore's Downward Spiral by Tomas9777 Stale Result (Last seen: )

What would happen when the world's most looked up after man in the world is put on trial for all the crimes he committed against the boy who lived? Will he pull thru with is reputation intact? Or will he start to realize what he had truly done to the boy?

The unexpected duel by Tomas9777 Stale Result (Last seen: )

Having grabbed the cup at the same time as Cedric, and the portkey to the graveyard never been placed, Harry is faced with a new task to determine who is the real winner of the Triwizard Tournment