Stories by Lordhellfire434

This is a prompt for other writers.
After saving Gabrielle from the lake with the help of his friends, Harry and his friends are changed into half-veelas themselves. Follow as they navigate the allure and having most of the female population after him. Harry/Harem, Ron/Harem, Neville/Harem. Creature Harry, no bashing, and rated M for a reason.
Due to a ritual Lily performed, Harry releases pheromones that makes him him irresistible to women. Taken away from society and raised by Lily, Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Molly, as well as Narcissa and Molly's daughters, Harry will use his gift to take the Wizarding World by storm, with the help of his ladies. Harem Fic. Expect lemons.

The Weasley Women Challenge by Lordhellfire434 Stale Result (Last seen: )

Summery: Arthur Weasley is killed by Nagini. Harry, feeling partially responsible, despite the entire Weasley family insisting he isn't, moves in with the family in this troubled time. The catch; Molly and Arthur have seven daughters instead of sons. Now Harry has to joggle eight Weasley women and girls.