Stories by TellAllYourFriends

James Potter is a womanizing, free spirited bachelor without a care in the world. But what happens when his best friend and longterm partner in crime gets engaged to one of his one night stands?
[oneshot] This is gonna sound a little obsessive. This is gonna sound a little bit strange. I have one thing to say before I turn and I walk away...
She was burnt out on love and he had given it up years earlier. Can these two hearts find it in each other to reignite a flame that had been put out long ago?
[ONESHOT] You stalk me everywhere I go, unable to leave my mind. You are an angel of Earth that has come to be with me, to fill me up with happiness and joy until I can’t handle it anymore and burst.
[COMPLETE]She’s in 1995 and he’s in 1975. Can their love survive the ultimate test, the test of time? Slightly AU. HGRL.
[ONESHOT] But the summer wind would always bring her back to you. It brought her back fuller than ever, better than you could have possibly imagined.
I’m not supposed to be feeling this way. I’m supposed to be in love with James. So I turn my head and immerse myself into him trying to make myself fall in love with the man sitting next to me and out of love with the man sitting across the hall.
[AU] Lily is torn between loving her husband and his best friend. Should she do what is right, or should she follow her heart?
DH SPOILERS. As you sit alone with your sleeves rolled up, you stare at the mark upon your forearm. You are the last Death Eater, although you can hardly even be considered one in the first place.
A rich and successful Ginny Weasley receives a threatening letter in which she must hire an auror to protect her. PRE DH. [COMPLETE]
[ONESHOT] If the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom could talk, what would it say? NOW DH COMPLIANT
[ONESHOT] She says she goes everywhere repeating those words to bring me back to her: Eyes of a blue dog.
[ONESHOT] I should have noticed the fire in her eyes dim every time I took her hand to lead her through dark corridors to broom closets and abandoned classrooms. I should have known that in the end she’d go back to him.
[ONESHOT] You remember when she fell in love. She was happy, and you were happy for her. But you couldn’t understand why she hadn’t fallen in love with you.
...And you realize it is the obsession that brings you back each time.
[ONE SHOT] She had to sell their beautiful muggle house and all of their beautiful muggle things in their beautiful muggle neighborhood and went back into the dumps of the wizarding world. [Merope Riddle]
[ONESHOT] “Don’t you see it, Nymphadora? It’s not going to be like those fairy tales, with a happy ending. It won’t ever be like that.” [RLNT]
[TWOSHOT] He has never said more than a simple hello to you. And you have never done anything but nod at him. [COMPLETE]
[ONESHOT] You look all around you. There is nothing to see, yet you have never seen something so beautiful. The sky is dark, mysterious waiting for you back in its presence.
[ONESHOT] I guess this is where the luck comes in with this game of chance, we call life.
[ONESHOT] “It’s not that easy, Ron,” she said. “You think that just one little, ‘I’m sorry,’ will change my mind?”
[ONESHOT] She said she loved him with all her heart. He told her he’d love her until the stars fell from the sky.
[ONESHOT] It’s still white outside. But not a pretty white. More like a brownish ugly white. The white you don’t like. The white that makes the fact that winter is ending seem more apparent.
[ONESHOT] You said I’d find someone one day. I agreed with you because I already had found someone. I didn’t tell you this then, but that one someone was you.
[ONESHOT] And no one will stop us. For you are Lily Evans, a free spirit. Whose life is like an abstract painting, lost without reason.
[ONESHOT] He loves her, he doesn’t love her. To him he’s always had the same decision. To him he’s always had the same thoughts.
A mistake in a potion sends Ginny back 25 years into the time of the Maurderers. [COMPLETE]
Little Miss Potter that's what they all called me. They just rolled their eyes when I told them it was 'MRS.' [COMPLETE]