Stories by Ehren Hatten

saw someone write fanfiction where the Doctor was pleased to meet the president. I had to correct this for myself.
The Writer by Pstibbons is a wretched piece that is now personally destroyed by the U.S.S. Sue Destroyer. This is the continuation of that destruction with the canon characters trying to correct the damage pstibbons inflicted on them.
What happens when things start to become too much for Amiel Meir, the State of Israel. She takes her frustrations out on a punching bag.
AU to my usual APH work. What if a second America suddenly appeared out of no where and tried to take over Alfred's life? He's friendly toward Arthur and Matt, friendly to Palestine, but not so much toward anyone who isn't Liberal. chapter 2 up.
The Healthcare bill has passed and the president is smug about it. Alfred's angry, furious, but then he hears Glenn Beck speak and understands the truth. He can't fight with his fists. Not this time.
How much does it take before our representatives actually listen to us?
Congress doesn't listen, so Alfred talks to them directly.
Sir Arthur Kirkland is a mess. He's stressed, overworked and in desperate need of an escape, so he escapes to his memories of when India was with him while he tries to help the police find the serial killer that is being called Jack the Ripper. ch 11 up.
Alfred and Mia go with the president to Dover Air Force Base to honor the dead coming home.
Arthur gets horribly drunk and goes on a drunk calling rampage.
Alfred, once again, watches the news and watches Glenn Beck give a Patton-like speech that moves him to the core.
Ludwig gets a call on his cellphone pertaining to the remains of a certain man he would have loved to have killed with his bare hands and remembers just a little of the pain he and his brother went through at that man's hands.
Is it Alfred's inherent paranoia that's bothering him, or is the president really what he seems to be, that is the ultimate question. Things just seem to keep getting worse and worse.
The Doctor and Jack pick up a pair of Texas twenty-somethings and find out that the Doctor Who/Torchwood world is being invaded by sci-fi nerds and other things. And is that an eyebrowless Doctor that looks like a white Urkle?
Had she died in battle she would have died as a warrior should. Instead, she died unwanted by everyone. However, she was eventually made a saint by the church. What if she appeared now? prologue up.
This is a short ficlet brought on by listless Americans who don't think that they could ever change the government or do what is right by America instead of what is easy.
Alfred is beginning to suspect his new president hates him and the American people. He goes to Texas to watch the tea party protect at the Alamo and thinks about wars past.
Axis Powers Hetalia. Texas, Hannah Cook, remembers her colorful past in courting the great Republic of France to get his recognition as an independent nation, fights Mexico and remembers Alfred.
Title might change later when I come up with a better one. A letter is found and it comes from another world. A young woman finds it and answers. What will such a link hold for the pair?
Cuchulainn, bored with heaven, comes to an old oak tree to while away a few hours, but one day he finds a woman there in his place. He sees this woman over and over again, but she always dies in the end. Perhaps she will live a full life one day? Chap 5 u
FMA/HP So what would the world be like with Tom as the Dark Arts teacher and he had never killed James and Lily Potter, but no one knows who he is because no one who knew him as Voldemort knows him as Tom? Chapter Eleven up!
King Arthur is living as she is supposed to, as king of all England with her queen by her side. That is, until a ghost that knows she's a woman of an old Irish hero keeps pestering her. Chapter Nineteen up.
The universe has burped and vomited out a sea of Sailor Sues. Usagi is pregnant and can't fight, the generals are back and the scouts have a heavy job ahead of them, but what's that crazy blonde girl named Nibiru doing? Finished!
Queen Arturia Pendragon reigns over a desolate Briton. Her people need her to give them more land where they might get goods from and the only great big plot of green near is Ireland. Chapter FIFTY THREE is up. Look up trailer on YouTube! fatalrob0t
Cuchulainn was born in a future world where humans were cursed with burning from the sun's rays. He lived all his life in darkness and then found himself in a world of light. CHAPTER THREE up. for trailer, look up fatalrob0t on youtube.
This is the retelling of HP, AK and the phoenix order times. Harry and his friends are in their fifth year when they get a few new students from America. Drama, Action, humor abound! CHAPTER TWO UP!
What happens when I mash hogwarts together with my old highschool and various other insane things? Nothing but the best for my readers. Dreamed this up, litterally. Chapter Two up!
Harry and Astra are back once more in this new adventure taking place four years after Omega Time. Harry's a father and dealing with not only fatherhood, but a group of wizards are gathering under a leader who could rival Voldemort. CH THIRTEEN UP!
The eighth Doctor is gone and the ninth wakes up. Except there's a small surprise. Doctor number nine is a woman. Come join the adventure as she tries to function as a woman and deal with meglamaniacal hamsters. CHAPTER ONE UP!
The crew of HP AK are getting hitched! The various weddings because you all demanded it! You must have read all three HP AK stories! COMPLETE!
Follow Harry and Astra through their final year through Hogwarts. Action and Humor are abound with the teachers becoming teenagers again, madcap adventures in search of a mysterious stone, a mysterious countdown and more. FINNISHED!
Meet Frodo. He's just come across a girl that claims to be an Istari wizard . Meet Isolt The Black. She's psychotic. She wants a ring called the ring of giddyness and stupidity. From the depths of my perverse sense of humour, join these crazy people on a
Harry, Astra and crew go back to Hogwarts for a weird, adventure filled sixth year with rubber band curses, time space continuums, boxer wars and a strange stone that Voldemort wants. COMPLETED!
Harry recieves a letter from a strange girl in America and she becomes an exchange student to Hogwarts. Poor Harry is a prefect and has to deal with the repercussions of Voldemort trying to sabotage everything at School. COMPLETE!
It's my little attempt at making my friends laugh and then I wrote it down. It's sung to the tune of Gilligan's Island.
basically, it's short and cute.... all I did was fool with the thing at the front of highlander the animated series.