Stories by GinnyMastrani

A collection of prompted Buffy fics, brought to you by jackmeyer14 and yours truly. If you're looking for a little bit of everything, this is your collection.
A short drabble requested by Cislainee Helga Potter. Involves slash and an abundance of fluff revolving around Harry Potter and Nick Fury.
One hundred word drabbles based on whatever songs that come up on my iPod. Involves a splash of Harry, some Draco and Luna angst, and other fun stuff. Read on my lovelies!
A short poem in loving memory of Clara Oswin Oswald.

District Four by GinnyMastrani Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry Potter is just a kid from District Four. He never wanted this. Cato is a warrior from District Two, he volunteered. When these two collide in the arena, sparks will fly. HXC Warnings inside. Complete.
They're always bringing people together. ShawnXJack sortas kinda
When you mash Harry Potter and Doctor Who? And throw in an alien species and red headed children into the mix? Why don't you read, and find out? Light slash. HP/DW

Together by GinnyMastrani Stale Result (Last seen: )

After a tip from Spike, Brennen decides to brew a truth potion to find out why Booth is so mysterious. She finds out somethings she really rathered she hadn't and so does Zach.