Stories by Eve-the-Charlotte

My Little Brony by Eve-the-Charlotte Stale Result (Last seen: )

Basically a "Bucky comes back seemingly from the dead story" plus sexiness and funnies. M for sexiness and swearing.
or Five Aspects of Percival Ignatius Weasley that Hermione Jean Granger Loves and One Vice Versa. What it says on the tin. High T for very non-explicit things.
An excerpt from the Winchester Gospels, as written by Chuck. This is a reading from the Book of Adam. And a word to the wise, never deprive Samuel Winchester, true Vessel of Lucifer, of his morning coffee and his archangel. That is all. High T.

Adventures in Single Motherhood by Eve-the-Charlotte Stale Result (Last seen: )

"Honestly, the once again Ginevra Molly Weasley never thought when she was younger that the drying of the ink on a pile of divorce papers could ever be so satisfying." Ginny/Various Men, other pairings mentioned. High T-low M.
Vernon and Petunia Dursley's worst nightmare is realized: Their freak of a nephew mated! A look into a possible future for the Dursleys and a certain relative of theirs. Vernon/Petunia, Ron/Harry, and minor Fred/Hermione.
X-Men: First Class, set to the four seasons. Includes Hank/Raven, Alex/ Sean, Shaw/Emma, and Erik/Charles. M for 'Summer.'
On one cold winter's day, Ron and Harry find out something spectacular. Ron/Harry. Warnings inside.
AU!APH "Run, run, as fast as you can!" In which Alfred gets himself into a situation, only to be rescued by a mysterious stranger. Russia/America. Rated high T for content and language.
"Neville Longbottom was a nice, calm man." Just don't mess with Luna Lovegood! Neville/Luna
Multi-chapter, loosely-connected mini-series story based around Time and those affected by it. Includes Norway/Japan, Scotland/England, and many more.
Merlin has a vision of the future, accompanied by a startling revelation about his own secrets. slash/pre-slash Merlin/Arthur and Clark/Lex
"Paris was beautiful at the moment, especially with the view of the Seine." Bill/Fleur & Bill/Charlie
In which love blooms, stays strong, and does all sorts of other things. 10 pairings, 10 songs, 10 drabbles, one one-shot. M for implied sexytimes.
Lies. Lies. Lies. But "the Englishman looked so lovely when he lied." England/Hong Kong; implied past USUK and past FrUK. More hurt than comfort.
Inspired by "Butterfly" by Crazy Town. Denmark/Iceland. Enjoy.
Utter crack. Russia/America, The Netherlands/Canada, England/Hong Kong, Switzerland/Austria, Iceland/Denmark, and more! Enjoy.
Someday, the lovely America would be his, and England would have no idea what had hit him." Hinted Russia/America and England/America.
De facto or de jure, it's still neutrality. Switzerland/Austria, Vash/Roderich.
A tribute to Smeagol, alias Gollum.
DM/BL. An alphabetical list of the life and love of Draco Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. Contains odd pairings and non-descript violence.