Stories by tajuki

"In the rich textures of gray, where black and white mesh to create reality, we must realize that there were heroes on both sides, the blood of the innocent on the hands of all." Albus Dumbledore, from Foreword. A Founders Saga.
"He stood at the window looking to the empty east. He did not look for dawn; east was only the way the window faced." T. Harris. Memory persists in the great and small things. A Sirius Black story.
C. Dickens' Christmas classic comes to haunt Draco on an ordinary December the twenty-fourth. Merry Christmas everyone!
"It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us..." Dickens: 'A Tale of Two Cities' The six are now five and the worst of it is but yet to come. Summary on Bio.
One could be addicted to almost anything--money, drugs, power, alcohol, But all I can tell you, doll, is that its never the thing you truly want...never what you truly need. But you still want it...still need it.
*Complete. "I always say: Keep a diary and one day it'll keep you." Mae West: From dazzling Paris, foggy London and bustling New York the roads of six unlikely companions all lead to one destiny. Sequel to 'It May Be Rainin' Summary on Bio.
As the movement of Dark Forces threaten the stability of a wizarding world, one mother sings her child to sleep. Lyrics from Billy Joel's 'Goodnight My Angel (Lullaby)'.
After a row that the entire Gryffindor house will be discussing for years to come, Ron gets a little advice from his brothers about honesty and girls. Set to the tune of Billy Joel's 'Tell Her About It'-- and rather fun to lindy-hop to!
Indira Sinistra: quiet Astronomy teacher with a sad past. Sirius Black was the love of her life until one Haloween left her alone, Lilly and James dead and Sirius imprisoned. Will their past save him or does she believe her peers that wish to condemn him?
Draco Malfoy, The Weird Sisters, Billy Joel and Dumbledore on a Steinway lend a surreal backdrop as Ginny resorts to daydreaming to make it through a rather tedious Yule Ball. Set to Billy Joel's 'Only The Good Die Young'.
*Complete* "We often give our enemies the means of our own destruction." Aesop Fables: After the Tri-Wizard's Tournament, Harry hopes for a peaceful, normal year. But gathering clouds on the horizon fortell rain. *Full summary on author's page.