Stories by Flux Casey

Saiki Saisei. His quirk? Comeback. Extreme stress on his body allows him to come back stronger. With this power he will take everything he feels he deserves from hero society! Fem!Izuku Fem!Bakugo
Before the game even begins, the table is flipped. With the fall of a central figure, there are suddenly far more players, all vying for the grandest prize. So begins the Second Emblem of Blood.
An unsatisfying revenge leads to an inexcusable separation. A young god cast adrift beyond the realms, left with no choice but to claim a new home. His father willing to follow him past the end of all Earths to rescue him.
A new life. Reborn in a world of devils and chess-themed intrigue. After sacrificing everything for a peaceful world, was a Demon Emperor being granted his own personal heaven?
Twice nearly wiped out, first by the other villages and then by the Uchiha, the Uzumaki clan of the Leaf must come back to prominence. And the Fifth Hokage Orochimaru has some thoughts on how this should happen.
Well his Mom could attract small objects and his Dad could breathe fire. So his quirk would be...
Ventus learns the power of bonds between hearts, twisting his fate, and the fates of those who follow, in an unexpected direction. But maybe he misinterpreted a how 'bonds' work along the way. Warning: Mature
Sheogorath finds the Dragonborn boring. So he decides to find a more amusing alternative. Hardcore Skyrim self-insert.
Raised as a ninja in the hidden land of the elemental nations, Harry Potter returns to Britain as Hari Toukou Nara, ninja of the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
One month after the Red-Haired Pirates leave Windmill Village, another group of pirates arrive with less civil intentions. The reality of what pirates commonly are sends Luffy down a different path.
He stole to provide for his family but crimes have punishments. And his is... to go to monster-killing school. Go figure.
Harry Potter is a normal young wizard. He just needs a little more iron in his diet. And haemoglobin. Everything is fine.
Should a ten year old boy who doesn't know thing one about his chosen path really start walking it?
Harry Potter dies in the graveyard of Little Hangleton. GAME OVER. Start new game? Concept borrowed from Majin Hentai X and Chibi-Reaper. ABANDONED
The year is X780. The unrivaled master of mind magic, Philemon Weaver, hands over his guild to the next generation of mages. ABANDONED
When Ash Ketchum is afraid of something, fair to say he has a pretty good reason.
So you're not interested in these kids then, Igor? Alright, then. I'm sure the Soul Reapers will take 'em. The Persona 4 cast join the academy! ABANDONED