Stories by OlorinTheMaiar

Thousands of years ago, non-magical humans abandoned Earth. Left to their own devices, the magical inhabitants of Earth spread to the surrounding planets and star systems. Over the years, they isolated themselves from the galaxy. Jedi Knight Harry Potter, a ma'jaii from Earth, is sent to protect the Queen of Naboo as her planet is invaded. His presence causes ripples in the force.

The Artificer by OlorinTheMaiar Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry Potter, Master of Death and creator of magical artifacts, is drafted to help recover one of his creations, the Tesserract

The Piper of Durmstrang by OlorinTheMaiar Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry Potter is rescued from the Dursleys by his thrice great grandfather on his mother's side. Now going back to England for the Triwizard tournament, how will this new Harry use his skills to stay alive... and what does a fife have to do with it?
Harry Potter, Master of death, is reincarnated into a world where he becomes Haa Ri, Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Jedi Sorcerer. He takes Anakin as his Jedi Padawan and Sorcerer Acolyte. Togruta!Harry; NOT SLASH
Harry is the Master of Death. After the death of the wizarding world's savior during a muggle robbery, Harry is thrown into a familiar, yet alien world. He is thrown into a war, only to find that his coming was foretold. He is the Verdant One.
Torn from his parents by Voldemort's infamous killing curse, Harry Potter is rescued two Jedi, ex-house elves of House Potter.

The Elixir of Taliesin by OlorinTheMaiar Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry obtains ancient knowledge from some of the greatest witches and wizards that have ever lived so that he may save the magic from becoming extinct... that is if the people inside his head would stop bickering long enough to let him think!

The Green Rider by OlorinTheMaiar Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry is the Master of Death. After his death during a robbery in the muggle bookshop he owned, he jumped from reality to reality. He has lived many lives. Now, is Alagaesia ready for The-Boy-Who-Lived? Violence, Language, Gore, NOT SLASH TEMPORARY HIATUS

Ulstafo the Green by OlorinTheMaiar Stale Result (Last seen: )

In one of Harry's reincarnation as the Master of Death, he is a Maiar in Arda. He is Eonwe, Herald of the Valar. Charged by Manwe, he is sent with the Istari to Middle-Earth. Now he is part of the Fellowship of the Ring, set on destroying Sauron ON HIATUS