Stories by ReaderChris

The moment Harry spent the last breath of his life on a ironic laugh; in another world a different Sasuke took his first breath of life. Fate was changed and destiny rewritten.
Harry had the hang to get stuck in the most impossible situations but this was getting ridiculous, he should be dead. Not prancing around as some ninja. Revised version of SP.
Both were born as the seventh month died. Both had lost their future. Both were destined for greatness. One was adored as a Hero, the other worshiped as a King. BWL!Neville, Vampire!Harry, AU!
It was all wrong, it wasn't supposed to be like that. Tsunayoshi, her brother, should have become Decimo. He shouldn't have left Vongola, he shouldn't have killed their mother. AU! Strong Tsuna!
Voldemort was defeated, but to which price? In an desperate attempt to save lost lives, decided Ron to do it at least once right and scarified himself for his brother in all but blood. Time travel!, Harry-as-Ron!, AU!