Stories by DivingIntoAParadox

Hermione has lost everything that makes her, well - her. Making a necessary decision to leave her abusive boyfriend, Ron - she flees to America and gains the unlikeliest of allies. SS/HG eventual, HG/DM friendship.
Short Snamione story loosely inspired by the song Far Away by Nickelback. Severus has been gone for 3 years, leaving with no explanation. What will he say when he returns to the woman who still holds his heart?

It All Works Out, In The End by DivingIntoAParadox Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry returns to Hogwarts, Hermione goes under an apprenticeship with Snape. What happens when a series of events unfold that give Harry and Hermione a new outlook on their futures. (bad description - romance/action/adventure)
When Hermione loses her memory, and another takes her place to prevent suspicion, a series of events unravel which are essential to the war at hand. ON HIATUS

In Light or Dark You'll Always Be Mine by DivingIntoAParadox Stale Result (Last seen: )

To him, she was a little know-it-all brat, to her, he was just a teacher... a teacher that she never was quite fond of. But, what happens when Dumbledore sends Hermione undercover with Severus as a death eater? Rated M, just to be safe... ON HIATUS