Stories by IberisGalloway

Tony Stark is the science prodigy and Steve is the star quarterback. Of course, they are also secretly dating or were dating until Steve cheats on Tony with Bucky. Now, Bucky refuses to date Steve until Tony finds happiness once again. Enter hare-brain schemes of hiring the school burnout, Loki Odinson to serenade the one and only Tony Stark. It goes as well as you expect it to.
Hermione Granger is reborn as the daughter of the Noble and Ancient House of Black. There is also the tiny detail of it being 1926.

multi slash

Blue eyes, Blue lies by IberisGalloway Stale Result (Last seen: )

Tony does not take Steve's departute at the end of Civil War very well. The sleuth of escorts that bear a striking resemblance to Captain America speak for itself but it was only ever meant for companionship. It starts out innocent enough. It turns into something wicked.
Steve was a skinny, 110 pounds of asthmatic. Then he was Captain America, the hope for the entire world at war. There was Toni, the love of his life and Bucky, his best friend till the end of the line. Then there was loss and pain and a plunge into the Arctic. 70 years later, he is once again Captain America but now there is an Ironman and a Winter Soldier.

Folie à deux by IberisGalloway Stale Result (Last seen: )

"I killed your parents." are the first words Tony's soulmate will tell him.
Wherein Tony is a babysitter and Loki is the pizza delivery guy. This could only spell P-O-R-N. Or that's what Tony thinks, anyways.
Could be alternately titled 'what happens when you confess your love to the man taking your pizza order…
Tony Stark and Loki Odinson both know what is like to a failure and an utter disappointment. A chance encounter and Tony's big mouth is all it takes. Pretending to be in love with each other apparently comes much easier to them than expected. And despite what Loki tells himself, he is not in love with his fake boyfriend.

Colours of the rainbow by IberisGalloway Stale Result (Last seen: )

Loki is five years old when he first meets his best friend, Tony. And fifteen when he realizes he is madly in love with said best friend. It takes only a few more 'five years' and lots of bad writing for their story to come together.

5 times Thor was traumatised and 1 time he wasn't by IberisGalloway Stale Result (Last seen: )

My fill for the prompt: Loki saying (naughty) sweet nothings to Tony in the Old Norse language. Tony has no idea what it means. So he goes to Thor for help. It'd be funny if Thor overhears some of it!

My Oh My! by IberisGalloway Stale Result (Last seen: )

Loki gets an unexpected visitor in his cell. In other words, a shameless pwp.
Tony misses his cue to say "I do" because Tony is too busy ogling Loki

Golden Apples by IberisGalloway Stale Result (Last seen: )

Tony is taken by surprise when he comes home. PWP Warning: Bondage,Sex Toys,Dubious Consent, Non Consent, Gags,

Friends with Benefits by IberisGalloway Stale Result (Last seen: )

"Umm..Erik, I am not really gay. I uhh..." "Relax, Charles. It's just sex." "I uhh..Erik, This is just sex then, right?" "Yes, Charles. This is JUST sex. No strings attached." AU Cherik
Sometimes fairytales don't come true... Harry/Hermione Harry/Ginny
Hermione obliviated her parents and sent them to Forks, instead of Australia under the alias Monica and Wendell Wilkins.Now,after the war,she has come to get them back.But who is the strange man that is with them... Full summary inside...

In which Charles becomes bald by IberisGalloway Stale Result (Last seen: )

Yes, the story in which Charles Francis Xavier becomes bald. Can't write more without giving away the the little plot I managed to squeeze into this...Basically Charles gets bald and Erik is to blame...