Stories by profigymulligan

New Life, New Beginnings by profigymulligan Stale Result (Last seen: )

Michael Dies and Selects a new life rather than pass on. He heads into the Rowling-verse to take them all by the short and curlies. Will be Harry/Fleur as she is the hottest woman in the story.

The Wizard of Warcraft by profigymulligan Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry discovers a rare book which will transform his life and destiny and lead him beyond his world and into another.

The Next Great Adventure by profigymulligan Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry dies in his original world, but someone is watching and, impresed with his sacrifice, sends hi to another world for a new life.

Who Says You Can't Have It All? by profigymulligan Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry lost everything through betrayal and destruction. He's going back to prevent it all and perhaps find happiness on the way.

WTF? by profigymulligan Stale Result (Last seen: )

Harry dies for the eighth time and he is not impressed and neither are those who watch over him. Harry doesn't get mad, he gets even. H/HR