Stories by louise4

Deal by louise4 Stale Result (Last seen: )

Chapter Eleven up! Harry Potter and Blaize Zambini are in love. No not with each other! What were you thinking! No, but together they may be able to get what they want. HPDM, BZSF. So this means slash! FINALLY COMPLETE
β€œIs it wrong,” he spoke quietly, β€œto feel so happy after everything that has happened?” As the dust settles on the events of the sixth book, this looks at the mindset of several key characters. Slash and het.
Cho goes to see Cedric one last time and asks for his forgiveness. RomanceAngstGoF spoilers only.
Chapter 2 Up! Severus Snape was not a romantic man but he could tell you the exact moment he fell in love with Hermione Granger.' Severus never wanted to Hermione into his life, now he can't get her out of his head. A SeverusHermione love story. SequelCom
CHAPTER TWO UP! Voldemort is dead and Harry has made the mistake of thinking nothing bad can ever happen to him again. Unfortunately he hadn't taken the Sorting Hat into account and the Hat really doesn't like it when people argue with it. Post OotP Harr
On the eve of Dumbledore's funeral, an anonymous letter takes Harry on a trip down memory lane. HBP spoilers. HarryDraco preslash.
Chapter Three Up. Draco meets a family member he never met, and discovers a family honour he didn't know existed. Will Draco be able to choose his own path in life at last? Post OotPSlight AU. Response to the Draco's Detour Challenge. HD Slash
Harry is more honest than is usual, and Draco knows more than he should - it is bound to lead to some unexpected consequences. Sometimes you tell the truth without meaning to. And sometimes you tell the truth because you never expect to be found out...H
She was, Hermione mused sadly, destined to be forever falling in love with the wrong person." And in her seventh year she fell for the most inappropriate person of them all. A SeverusHermione love story.
HarryDraco Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were meant to be friends. Somewhere something went wrong. Can things ever be set right? When Harry and Draco take de-aging potion and return to children secrets are revealed. STARTED BEFORE OotP-SOME DETAILS WRONG
The outside world sees the wedding of Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter is seen as the perfect ending to the story of the Boy Who Lived. However, things are never as they seem. GW? HP? Hint: SLASH!
Slash (well duh!) Um...not really sure what to say. One shot about HarryDraco - will they ever make it? Please read :)
SLASH Harry/Draco. Harry ends things and Draco isn't amused. Bad summary, good fic. Read it, it's happy. Promise :-
There are certain constants at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: History of Magic is boring, Dumbledore is eccentric and Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy will fight." But will this always be the case. SLASH
Future fic. If Lex dies then superman dies too Lois. Do you want that?
Sorting Draco Malfoy was so easy...wasn't it? The sorting hat ponders.