Stories by LaVale

The war was over. It was going to take a long time to fix the world. And who knows how long for Ron and Hermione to figure things out with their relationship. But for now she was safe in his arms. And that was all she could ask for.
"I think, deep down, I always knew he didn't love me. I just couldn't stand the fact that he would chose you over me. Now I see that you too are perfect for each other" "I think you're the only one who thinks that" "I wouldn't be so sure. I think you guys know it too. You just need to get past the barriers."
Both had been told by their parents to stay away from each other, but sometimes, the apple really does fall far from the tree..
Although she was still grieving for the ones lost in the war, she couldn't help but be happy that her and Ron had made it out safe, and now they could finally be together.
"I'm related to Draco Malfoy? No way! How could you do this to me Rose? How can my only daughter betray me like this?" "Calm down Weasley! You've only known she was your daughter for 2 days! And besides, i'm not exactly thrilled about being related to you either!"
Draco looked once more at his parents, then slowly shook his head. Draco was well aware that he would probably be dead within the next hour, but he had finally decided that he wasn't going to let his parents decisions affect him anymore. He was his own person and he wanted to decide for himself on which side to be on. And now he finally knew which side that was.
Ron's thoughts about his little crush on Hermione while she is correcting his homework. Inspired by a quote in HBP. Enjoy(:
One-shot di quando Ron scopre che Harry e Ginny sono insieme! Tenera, e buffa. Fa vedere l'amicizia tra Harry e Ron. Lo scritta un bel po di anni fa con mia cugina! Scusate i errori gramaticali!
Best friends aren't supposed fall in love with each other. That's the rule. Because when best friends fall in love with each other, bad things happen.
What happens in Deathly Hallows between Ron and Hermione before Harry gets picked up from the Dursleys? Rated T for third chapter.