Stories by eikothewerewolf

Comedy, Sephiroth tries to take over the world, by becoming the cheese god
A short Poem about the two hobbits. Not sure what I was going for here.
A small poem about elves. Leaving for the sea.
A short Poem created by house elves. Not as silly as my other one.
This is a stupid little humour story based on the Marauders. Enjoy
Poem. To be sung to the tune of Hi Ho from Snow White. Its about house elves
Poem. A silly Poem based on Gollum....singing...
When a virus hits Hogwarts a lot of students are hit with life threating illness. The only cure is Phoenix tears. But Fawkes has gone missing. and guess who has to track him down
a cheesy HP poem! based around christmas!
a comedy spoof about the REAL reason one of the riders is after Frodo! poem.
an experiment of Fred and Georges goes wrong. the result: large amounts of armadillos around Hogwarts.
a short poem about quidditch. enjoy!
Hermione Tests Fred and Georges 30 minute daydreams. Some light traces of Yaoi. very strange. a very short short story!
Ron has to pass a driving test to aquire a licence to drive the flying Ford Anglia
A cheesy seasonal poem. the title says it all really.
A strange, incredibly incorrect retelling of the riders visiting the prancing pony... Poem.
LotR poem. a comedy. its about the hobbits starting out on their quest and makes little or no sense.
An HP poem. about moaning myrtle cooking eggs. rather crazy.
A sad poem dedicated to Aeris. Warning: FF7 spoilers
A strange LotR poem. It makes absolutely no sense
Malfoy and friends behead some chickens to see which one runs around longest. kind of twisted Short Story.
Harry, Hermione and Ron start a conversation about turning dead relatives into stones. Short Story
Harry Potter is back at Hogwarts, and someone is leaving messages for him. Is it some kind of twisted joke, or is someone really out to get him?
The entire school suddenly starts recieving strange gifts from the owl post. the question is, whos sending them? A short humour story