Stories by DeepDownSlytherin

Five years after the war, Andromeda has found a new normal, and thinks she and Teddy have moved on, until a new rising threat sends her back into the dark, pureblood world of her childhood without the things that once grounded her.
Five Times Andromeda said goodbye, in five hundred words.
Ted Tonks believed in a heaven, and his heaven was Andromeda. He would wait for her.
Andromeda thought he would like a muggle funeral.
Andromeda says little, but she sees everything. Through their years at Hogwarts, she watches her sisters as one falls in love and one falls into madness, and doesn't see as a muggleborn boy breaks into her sheltered life. Now Complete.
A young Nymphadora learns a new word. Her mother is unusually disturbed by it.
At Bill Weasley's wedding, Remus and Andromeda have a little chat about love and risk.
It had never bothered her before.
He can be as brave as his brother. Ten moments in the life of Regulus Black.
They are so alike, and yet so different.
Ted wonders if he should ask. He wonders if he really wants to know.
Bellatrix never thought her sister would actually do it.
Regulus wants out, but Bellatrix knows what happens to Death Eaters who try to leave. Oneshot.
Actions, reactions, and thoughts relating to the escape of Death Eaters from Azkaban.
Narcissa wants to be like her sister.
A five year old Nymphadora Tonks meets her Aunt in Diagon Alley.
Ted and Andromeda have always thought of themselves as fairly openminded parents, so how will they react to their daughter's new romance? HBP Spoilers
Sirius and Andromeda try to remember the good times.
And so this morning, he will serve only her. Lucius returns to his wife. Lucius and Narcissa. One shot.
Rodolphus considers his fascination with Bellatrix.
What the Dementors take from Bellatrix oneshot, short, mostly pointless