Stories by pstibbons

Bellatrix Black does not want to become a Lestrange or a minion to some Dark Wotsit. Hell no! She has a *Plan*. And Severus Snape is going along with it coz she'll kill him if he doesn't. AU, SSLE, Marauder bashing, and Discworld's Susan Sto Helit.
Hermione returns from two decades trapped in a time crystal to a world where her fiance Harry is married to Ginny. Not wanting to stir things up, she decides to make a new life of her own. But a Snorkack and Teddy Lupin have other ideas. HHr - eventually.
In the post-Potter world, Voldemort considers why Luna Lovegood is his favourite Death Eater. He would never have been able to torture the Malfoys or Weasleys as effectively she did. Ron and Ginny get what they always wanted - and bashed. Past HHr.
The Pureblood said, "Granger must be destroyed. Not killed - that would just make her a martyr. Her reputation must be destroyed. She must be eliminated from our society, preferably by Potter himself, before she can destroy us." HGOC HPLL Azkaban!Hermione
Years later, Viktor Krum recounts the events of the 1994 Yule Ball that got his old friend Hermione expelled from Hogwarts. No ships, though there's Krum/Cedric. Harry bashing, major, MAJOR Ron bashing. Moral : Incompetent fighters should never duel.
A Post-Crapalogue drabble especially for canon RHr sycophants. From the Journal of Rose Granger: It's been six months since Mum died. My father raped my mother for 20 years while everyone looked on. I'm the child of a love potion. I don't deserve to exist
AU GOF. HHr, CedricCho, TerryPadma. Harry, the brother of the Boy Who Lived, and Hermione take their SlytherinGryffindor relationship public in their fourth year, resulting in much opposition, friendship, laughter, deaths, and resurrections.
Feline!Betrayed!Hermione. Weasley bashing. At 12, her Polyjuice experiment removed the human glamour she wore. At 18, a Weasley plot exiled her. Twelve years later, she's needed again. Abandoned since I couldnt figure out how to deal with Harry's kids.
Hermione discovers a new world and an old acquaintance. PostWar HHr oneshot. Delusional Ginny.
A response to all cliched Azkaban!Harry fics. Harry is in Azkaban for a crime he DID commit, leaving Hermione & the Order with a Mission Impossible to get him out. I didn't despise MoRon and Gin when I wrote this, so they get killed, not bashed. Ends HHr.