Stories by Seselt

Hermione Granger wears Cathal Rosier like a flayed skin, unsure which one of them is the puppet. But there is still work to be done and revenge sings a siren call to the survivors of both sides of the Second Wizarding War. If Hermione cannot have her day in court then she will have her season in Hell. *sequel to Six Pomegranate Seeds* ABANDONED
Antonin sat in his cell in the dark with the answer and would have gladly given it to the Dementors so he could forget. But they would not take that thought away because it was not happy. It was a bitter, bitter truth. ABANDONED
At the end, something happened. Hermione clutches at one fraying thread, uncertain whether she is Arachne or Persephone. What she does know is that she will keep fighting to protect her friends even if she must walk a dark path. *time travel* ABANDONED
The Ministry in their great magnanimity has decided to release low risk Death Eaters into the custody of Muggle-borns for reeducation. Hermione will teach Draco and Theo all sorts of new things. They will teach her how to be free. ABANDONED
Excerpts from Hermione Granger-Nott's married life and adventures. * addenda to 'Nihil est ab Omni Parte Beatum' * ABANDONED
A little more in the life of Hermione Flint, righter of wrongs and mother of four. *addenda to 'Divorce and Other Courtship Rituals' * ABANDONED
We'd won, and all I wanted was to rebuild my life in peace. Instead I got a fearsome responsibility I never wanted; control over a man I loathed. Malfoy was a Veela and I was his Mistress. ABANDONED
Returning for her Eighth Year at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger discovers that the school itself has different plans for her. * time travel * ABANDONED
It would have been romantic to say their courtship began with their divorce but Hermione had to admit the ending of their marriage had been more about tidying paperwork than pathos. She stopped being Madam Flint with a handshake and a nice Italian dinner. But Marcus was not a man to give up on what, or who, he wanted. * Alternate Ending to 'a Disarranged Marriage' * ABANDONED
The Wizengamot has passed punitive marriage legislation to cripple the pure-blood families who did not support the Order of the Phoenix during the Second Wizarding War. Their retribution has earned the ire of Hermione Granger, champion of justice and reluctant bride. ABANDONED
Two old friends meet and reminisce. ABANDONED