Stories by CatWriter

Dudley gets a laptop and promptly breaks, Harry fixes it and signs up for something on the internet. It's amazing how much the internet can change a person's life.
This story is AU sequel to Phoenix Catcher's "Wings of Angel" with permission from the PC. Read his story first then read this it picks where his story left off. Harry Potter defeat Voldie with mutant ability, wizards betray him, runs to America...
Lily and James lay asleep one night while Lily is pregnant, the child dies in the womb, a cosmic entity "The Phoenix" intervenes and the child is reborn as her child as well as that of the Potters. A new world is born. XMen crossover
Harry has just the prophecy as in Dumbledore's office, his anger and grief releases restraints on him both internal and external. The wizarding world is in for a rude awakening. SuperHarry, maybe harem, Dumble bashing, Ron bashing. Chapter 1 changed Read!
AU: Twinfic, Harry, his twin Larry and his whole family survived. Harry!good, Remus!good, Dark!Dumbles. Evil plans are afoot. Voldie is still around too. Don't look for this to mirror the books much. Child Abuse. Violence. Slash. updates soon. July 08
Storm of the X-Men was regressed to a teenager by Nanny and the Orpanmaker, after being sold to an enemy she winds up in England, will she join Harry Potter and crew or the Slytherins? Harry/Draco Storm/Blaise as well. What about the X-Men? XMen/HP
HPDM Slash: Draco Malfoy has come into his inheritance on his 16th birthday, he has developed full veela male powers. Harry potter is not the sweet kid we all remember either, or is he? Voldemort is waiting, stay tuned. Rated MATURE, Teen Abuse.
A prophecy come that promises a savior that will have the power to defeat the Dark Lord. But does having the power mean you have to use? Should the world be save or should the world be made to save it self. If you were Harry Potter what would you choos
Summer after Year 5, has not gone well for Harry, abandoned to his relatives, his friends have left and he is complete alone, abuse hits new heights and guilt is destroying. When rescues comes only a radical treatment can save him. SSRL Courtroom Drama
Harry is awakened in his bedroom on Privet Drive by a beautiful woman he's never seen before who is she what does she want. Possible slash in the future. Read this you may like.
What if the prophesy of the savior came three years before Harry was born. what if everyone thought the savior was Harry's older brother Darien? Darien has a good heart, not a brat. Child abuse and violence, some slash later on HPHG, DPFW update Jan 12