Stories by Darth Vorthin

This will be a Harry Potter time travel story. It will also be another Dumbledore Bashing story. This is a Reptillia28's 'Don't Fear the Reaper' challenge. This will be a Dumbledore/Ron Weasley bashing story.

multi femslash
Dumbldore reveals the reason that caused Harry to lose his parents and receive his scar. Evil Dumbledore/bad Molly Weasley and Ron. Ron Weasley Bashing and Dumbledore Bashing. Dudely Dursely is a Wizard :)

harem femslash

Pokemon Nuzlocke Ultra Sun: Lost Memories by Darth Vorthin Stale Result (Last seen: )

Time for a Pokémon Nuzlocke where the Z-Crystals will help the hero regain his memories. I suck at summaries check inside to see plot
This is a story about how Dudley found out that he was a wizard and him going to the Irish Academy of Magic.
La nuit Voldermort est venu tuer Harry Potter, quelque chose d'étranger que l'histoire originale se produit. Harry Potter/Caractère original, Ash prend Gary Oaks place. Puissant dresseur de Pokémon Harry! Ash entraîneur rival!
The night Voldermort came to kill Harry Potter, something stranger that the original story happens. Harry Potter/Original Character, Ash takes Gary Oaks place. Powerful Pokémon Trainer Harry! Rival Trainer Ash!

Lost Memories- A Pokémon Moon Nuzlocke Challenge by Darth Vorthin Stale Result (Last seen: )

A trainer arrives in Alola under mysterious circumstances and has no clue who he is. To recover his memories he has to participate and conquer the Alolan Island Challenge. Will start off with a T rating but might change later.